
Manning to Speak on Leandro Case

Superior Court Judge Howard Manning Jr. ’65, whose most famous ruling – the Leandro public school funding case – secured for all North Carolina children an equal opportunity to receive a sound, basic education, will speak on Friday, Feb. 24 at UNC.

The Institute for Science Learning will host Manning for the presentation, entitled “Leandro: The Constitutional Right of Every Child in North Carolina to Have the Opportunity to Obtain a Sound, Basic Education.” The presentation is at 4 p.m. in Room 136 of the Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building (the School of Social Work). The event is free and open to the public.

Manning, who holds a bachelor’s in history and a law degree from Carolina, has served North Carolina as a Superior Court judge for more than 12 years. He has been assigned to preside over terms of hundreds of civil and criminal cases spanning 61 North Carolina counties.

Manning’s talk is the first in the ISL’s lecture series, “The Future of Science Education & Research.” The series will address the challenges the U.S. faces in remaining a global leader in science education and research by examining academic, social, policy and economic factors that underlie the decline in the sciences and how they can be addressed. The outcomes of the series are intended to contribute to the Chancellor’s Task Force on Engagement with North Carolina.

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