
Behind His Gaze


A bronze-cast bust of George Watts Hill '22 sits within the Alumni Center's breezeway. It was sculpted by David A. Dowdy Jr. '54, a self-taught artist. "It's never too late to learn," Dowdy said. "You learn by doing, and that's the way I've learned."

To help young artists receive the training he did not, Dowdy created a permanent scholarship fund at Carolina in 1994. The David A. Dowdy Jr. Award Fund helps finance a graduate student's education in figurative sculpture.

Dowdy used photographs of Hill to sculpt the bust for Central Carolina Bank, where Hill was chairman for 43 years; the bank donated the bust to the Alumni Center. "I get more comments out of [the bust of Hill], I believe, than any other single piece I have done," Dowdy said.

-Carolyn Edy '97 (MA)