
Siler Keynote Speaker

Robert and Helen Siler Distinguished Lecturer Series

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Mindy Fullilove, Columbia University
April 16, 2016, 5:30 p.m.| Open to all
FedEx Global Education Center 

The Robert ’55 (MRP) and Helen Siler Lecturship was established in 1994 to build a bridge between the academic planning community and professionals in the field by bringing leading figures to UNC  as Siler distinguished lecturers.

fulliloveDr. Mindy Fullilove will be this year’s Siler Lecture keynote speaker.  Dr. Fullilove examines the mental health effects of such environmental processes as violence, rebuilding, segregation, urban renewal, and mismanaged toxins.  She has been featured in a New York Times magazine article, The Town Shrink and her latest book is called Urban Alchemy: Restoring Joy in America’s Sorted-Out Cities. Using the work of French urbanist Michel Cantal-Dupart and the American urban design firm Rothschild Doyno Collaborative as guides as well as urban restoration projects from France and the US as exemplary cases, Fullilove identifies nine tools that can mend our broken cities and reconnect our communities to make them whole.