
Story Guidelines

Your General Alumni Association wants to hear why you are a GAA Life Member.

Whether it’s sweet or nostalgic, spirited or fun, we want to learn about why you chose to commit to GAA life membership. Reminisce with us about why this commitment is special to you. Make sure to be detailed and specific to express to readers everywhere the same sentiments you felt.

Submission does not guarantee publication. All submitted stories are subject to the terms set forth in our Terms of Use.  We reserve the right not to post your story if it contains any of the following types of content or violates other guidelines:

  • Obscenities, discriminatory language or other language not suitable for a public forum
  • Advertisements, “spam” content or references to other products, offers or websites
  • Promotion of a business, product or service
  • Contact information including but not limited to email addresses, phone numbers and URLs
  • Critical or spiteful comments about other posted stories or their authors

Enjoy writing your story as we certainly look forward to reading it.