
Your Career, Your Life

Your Career, Your Life
from the Carolina Alumni Review

Accepting Change is Easier if You Understand its Nature
Attack Change Before It Attacks Your Job
Everything’s Coming Up Roses: I Planted Tulips
Here We Go Again

I Don’t Know What I Want, But I Know It’s Not This
I Hope You Dance
On the Road Again
Tough Times?  Take Control
Managing Talents

Self Awareness
Color Me Perfect
It’s More than a New Job; New Career Means Hard Work
Job Seekers Know Your Product
Know What You are Selling
Know Yourself, Make the Sell
A New Job or New You?
Play to Your Strengths
Put Your Best Foot Forward
Will the Real You Please Stand Up
Put Your Unexpected Wisdom to Work
Be Valuable to Employers By Valuing Yourself

Accomplishment Statements Highlight Unique Skills
Bayer Has Formula – How to Sell Yourself
Good People, Bad Resumes
Job Seekers Must Learn to Beat 30-Second Resume Rule
Make Sure Your Resume Isn’t a Lemon
Resume Summary Statements Pack Power for Job Seekers
Designing a Resume Like DaVinci
Consider the ‘So-What Factor’

Cover Letters
Don’t Underestimate Value of a Cover Letter
Get Them at Hello
Put Cover Letters to Work for You

Focus Networking Like a Laser
Don’t Ignore the “Work” in Networking
It’s Worth Investing in a Professional Internship
Make 30 Seconds Work For You
Networking a Must for Everyone: Here’s How to Get Plugged In
Pleased to Meet You
Wishing and Hoping
How to Network When Networking Isn’t Natural

Interview Blunders
Keeping Up Appearances
Mind Your Manners: Etiquette Essential to Professional Sucess
Passing References Muster
Taking Charge of the Interview
Salary Negotiations Best Saved for Closing Stage of Job Search
Employers Are People Too
Your Appearance – Success or Failure?

Personal Success
Attitude is Key to Successful Job Search
Coaching Puts Power in Reaching Goals
The Color of Money
Counseling, Coaching Help in Managing Your Career
Employing the Power of Yes
Live Intentionally to Reach Goals
Listless is No Way to Be
Lost in Transition 
Parents Can Help Open Doors of Working World to Children
The Power of Being Self-ish
Scouts Motto Applies to Job, Too
To Safeguard Your Career, Follow the ‘Thriver’ Example
Tracking Attributes of Professionalism
Work Break; Give Your Life a Massage
You Owe It to Yourself
‘I Could Have Had a V8’
Grieve, Then Get Back on Track

Search Strategies
Don’t Wait By the Phone
Find Your Flavor
Finding the Next Job? Start with the Basics
Get Your Job Search on Track, Online
Give Job Search a Fair Try
Investing in a Professional Internship
Is That the Best You Can Do?
Take It From Opie
What to Give Up to Get a Great Job
When Layoffs Hit, Strike Back
With Volunteering, ‘No Experience’ Doesn’t Have to Mean ‘No Way’