
Medical Primary Care Highlights UNC Grad School Rankings

The primary-care program in Carolina’s medical school continued its drive toward the top national ranking in the latest evaluations of graduate programs by U.S. News & World Report. Other UNC programs that are ranked annually changed little from their 2004 numbers.

Primary care, which was ranked 15th in 2003 and climbed to fifth last year, now is ranked second behind the University of Washington. Research in UNC’s medical school dropped slightly, to 23rd from 20th.

Among the other UNC rankings, the pharmacy doctoral program was third, the business school’s MBA program was 21st (as it was last year) and its accounting program was ninth (up from 10th), the law school remained at 27th, and the School of Education climbed three positions to 27th.

In the School of Public Health, the specialty in environmental/ environmental health ranked seventh, down from fifth last year.

Among graduate programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, Carolina ranked fourth in sociology, 13th in history, 13th in political science, 19th in English and 22nd in psychology.

The rankings will appear in the U.S. News issue dated April 11. The magazine’s “America’s Best Graduate Schools” evaluates business, education, engineering, law and medicine graduate programs every year; others are considered every three or four years. (Indications of previous rankings above are included only for those ranked annually.)

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