
The Class of 2023

Sophie Cho, left, is one of 4,195 first-year students entering Carolina this year. (Photo by Haley France)

Carolina welcomed 4,195 first-year students and 852 transfer students to campus as classes began Tuesday, and the University says they represent the most geographically diverse and globally engaged group to enroll at Carolina. Here’s a look at some facts the University reported about them:

• 44,859 applied for admission (4 percent more than last year and the 14th consecutive year in which applications have increased);

• Of 13,490 North Carolinians who applied, 5,649 were admitted;

• 31,369 applied from out of state, and 3,962 were admitted;

First-year students move in at Hinton James Residence Hall. (GAA video by Molly Sprecher)

• 45 percent of new first-year students ranked within the top 10 students in their high school class;

• 77 percent of first-years ranked within the top 10 percent of their class;

• 94 percent of first-years took five or more Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or college-level courses while in high school;

• Among first-year North Carolinians, 37 percent are enrolling from a rural county;

• 19 percent of all first-year students are the first in their families to pursue a bachelor’s degree;

• 60 percent of the new class are female;

• 38 percent of the incoming class will receive need-based aid, primarily in the form of grants and scholarships;

• 13 percent will have the opportunity to graduate debt-free under the Carolina Covenant program, which covers the full cost of a degree for eligible low-income students;

• The class includes 206 students from one of the 76 partner high schools served by the Carolina College Advising Corps, a public service of the University that seeks to increase college-going rates among low-income, first-generation college and other underrepresented students;

• Among nonwhite students, 19 percent identify as Asian, 12 percent identify as black or African American, 9 percent identify as Hispanic or Latino, and 2 percent identify as American Indian or Alaska Native.

• Among transferring students, about 39 percent are transferring from a North Carolina community college; incoming transfer students range in age from 17 to 64 and have an average college GPA of 3.7.

Starting the first day of classes off right with the UNC tradition of a sip from the Old Well. Does it really bring good grades? Guess we’ll have to wait to find out. (GAA video by Grant Halverson ’93)


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