
Dinner With Faculty: Ritchie Kendall

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Thursday, Sept. 14 | 6:30 p.m.
The Carolina Club
Cost: $40; Carolina Alumni members pay only $25

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Dinner With Faculty gives you the opportunity to dine and discuss with 11 participants and a popular UNC faculty member. This is the one opportunity where discussing religion and politics at the dinner table is perfectly acceptable. Dinner includes three courses plus coffee and tea. Jacket required for men; no jeans, please.

Faculty Member: Ritchie Kendall

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Ritchie Kendall coordinates the selection of Honors Carolina students and is responsible for Honors course programming and extracurricular activities. He is an award-winning English professor who has served as Director of Undergraduate Studies, Director of Graduate Studies, and Assistant Chair of the Department of English and Comparative Literature. He is completing a book manuscript, Stage Business: The Representation of Commercial Exchange in the Early Modern English Theater. The study examines a range of emergent economic activity in London in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries as represented in the city comedies of Dekker, Heywood, Jonson, Middleton, and others. Changing modes and sites of production and distribution of goods, shifts in concepts of credit and exchange, and alterations in the patterns of accumulating and dispersing wealth are among the areas investigated. Dean Kendall earned his undergraduate degree from Yale, and then master’s and PhD degrees at Harvard.

Dinner Details

Cost is fully refundable for any cancellation made three weeks prior to the event. Any cancellations made two weeks prior to the event are subject to a 50 percent cancellation fee. No cost is refunded if the cancellation is made the week of the event.

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