
Tuition Going Up $225 for All Undergraduates

Tuition will go up $225 for all undergraduate students this fall following action by the UNC System Board of Governors on Friday. The new rates had been recommended last fall by the UNC trustees, acting on the recommendation of the tuition and fees task force and the subsequent recommendation of Chancellor Carol L. Folt.

The vote was 18-9 in favor of the increase.

North Carolina resident tuition and required fees will rise to $8,334 per year, or 2.8 percent; out-of-state students will pay $33,416, up 0.7 percent.

Some increases in fees for all undergraduates — including a new $30 campus security fee — are offset by a $36 reduction in student health service fees. The health fees became an issue last year when some BOG members questioned how they were used.

Tuition for all graduate students will go up $450. Resident graduate students will pay $9,643, up 5.2 percent, and out-of state residents will pay $26.854, up 1.7 percent. Those figures do not include required fees.

The BOG also approved increases for the 2016-17 school year — another $233 increase in tuition for all undergraduates and a $500 increase for graduate students.

The 2015-16 increases come on the heels of a year in which in-state undergraduates saw no increase but nonresidents were hit with a 12.3 percent increase mandated by the N.C. General Assembly.

Projected revenue from the undergraduate and graduate increases for 2015-16 is $8.2 million, which would be used for faculty salary increases and funding to help retain faculty, expanded course offerings and graduate student support.

According to the BOG’s figures, tuition has risen 91 percent for in-state undergraduates since 2005 and 92 percent for those from outside the state.

The new security fee, levied on all 16 system campuses, is designed to provide the campuses with reliable annual funding to cover the costs of increased demands from students and their parents and government regulators on safety issues, including sexual assault. The Chapel Hill campus, currently under investigation by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights for its handling of sexual-violence cases, has significantly beefed up its response and enforcement resources.

The money is intended for hiring and training police officers and specialists in areas such as sexual assault, substance abuse and counseling.

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