
Vote/Speak Out!

From the University Report (published by the GAA 1970-94)


1) Stay away from meetings.

2) If you come, find fault.

3) Decline office or appointment to a committee.

4) Get sore if you aren’t nominated or appointed.

5) After you are named, don’t attend meetings.

6) If you get to one, despite your better judgment, clam up until it is over. Then sound off on how things really should be done.

7) Do not work if you can help it. When the Old Reliables pitch in, accuse them of being a Clique.

8) Oppose all banquets, parties and shindigs as being a waste of the members’ money and time.

9) If everything is strictly business, complain that the meetings are dull and the ‘officers are a bunch of old sticks.

If you belong to other associations besides the GAA, you may relate to some of the points cited above as ways to “kill an association. ”

But because of your loyal support, an active Board of Directors supported by vigorous local chapter presidents and officers, and a supportive University administration, the General Alumni Association is alive and healthy. However, a growing Association with expanding programs and opportunities requires the active involvement of the Association members we serve.

This month we will conclude the balloting for your GAA Officers and Board of Directors. They are elected by you, the individual members of the GAA. They are your voice in charting policy for our Association. One benchmark of the vitality of the Association is the number of members who take time to review candidates and VOTE.

The Officers and Directors meet quarterly here in Chapel Hill. At each quarterly meeting the agenda grows longer. We always seem rushed to meet our adjournment time. This level of activity is encouraging for it demonstrates a strong commitment to aggressively discharge our responsibilities in representing and serving the alumni of this great University. We need your participation in GAA elections. Return the ballot you recently received and vote for the Officers and Directors you believe will best lead your Association.

I have one further request for assistance: With over 152 ,000 alumni, we won’t all agree about the issues affecting Carolina, higher education generally, and our Association. Let our publications provide you an opportunity to share with our readership your thoughts on matters of interest and concern to you. React to an article in this or a previous publication, or perhaps you will wish to address an issue of general concern. Should there be more admissions for undergraduates from outside North Carolina? Does this University have the proper balance between academics and athletics? Do alumni publications provide enough news about the University, particularly for our out-of-state alumni? These are just a few of the issues frequently discussed by alumni. Send us your comments on these matters or anything that concerns you.

As the spring unfolds and Commencement approaches, help assure that this Association continues to be strong. Attend alumni chapter meetings in your community. Come back to Chapel Hill for your class reunions, for seminars, or athletic events. Read your alumni publications and let us know what you think. Encourage friends to join our Association. Vote in the GAA election this month for Officers and Directors of the Association.

As the Association enters its 141 st year, its continued strength, growth, relevance, and vitality rest with those who have sustained it through its history — we, the alumni and friends of the University.

Yours at Carolina,

Doug signature




Douglas S. Dibbert ’70

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