
Our Carolina Community

Douglas S. Dibbert '70

Douglas S. Dibbert ’70

Each fall, a new class of students — bright, engaged and talented; curious, ambitious but also anxious — joins our Carolina community. In August, that community expanded by 5,033 first-year and transfer students along with more than 2,500 new students in our graduate and professional schools.

They have come to learn but also to question; to soak up the wisdom of a brilliant and caring faculty and to expand their ability to think for themselves; to understand the value of research and, in many cases, to perform research themselves.

And, although they are unlikely to realize it quite yet, they already are much envied by Carolina’s loyal alumni.

Most of them already have wrestled with the implications of the University’s size. It’s been said, “There are very few ways to make a small place large, but there are many ways to make a large place small.” The graphics below help reflect the choices students face in the vast College of Arts and Sciences they have entered and the professional schools they may look to as they progress.

Yours at Carolina,

Doug signature




Douglas S. Dibbert ’70



Graphs by Jason D. Smith ’94 Sources: Alumni: GAA Records Department, Aug. 1, 2016. Students, staff and faculty: Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, fall 2015. Populations: U.S. Census estimates, July 2015.


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